Outreach Programme

The focus in the 2004 – 2009 strategic plans is the sustainable development and support of people in need. We offer assistance to the public by helping them apply for old age pension, disability, care dependency, child support, foster care and social relief of distress grants.  We also offer assistance with trying to obtain birth certificates and Identity documents and where necessary we organise an official from the Department of Home Affairs and a photographer to go out to the community where the people are unable to reach the Department.  In desperate cases we offer basic needs such as immediate assistance with food relief, second hand clothing and household items (if available) and building homes if funding is available.  Although not a primary objective of the organization we do in the advent of AIDS assist with the collection of bodies from the mortuary to the place of rest.  We also assist in food garden projects and we always look at the holistic approach of each client to identify other needs which may be met by one of our other departments within the organization or referrals to networking organizations in order to meet their needs.

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